3 Days to Better Images
Gain a full understanding of your camera and what settings use to capture the images of your life.
View the 90 second video to see how this 3 day class will change the way you shoot.
"This class is different every time I teach it, because no 2 groups of students are the same. " Joe Duty
New Date: Friday, February 7th – Sunday, February 9th, 2025
Photo 101-PLUS
Way more than just a Photo 101 Class!
This 3 day workshop will help you to gain a full understanding of ISO, shutter speed and aperture and how they work together. For those new to photography, you will learn the terminology and gain an intimate knowledge of your camera. For experienced photographers, this class will help to drill down into when to use a particular setting to get the image you want...low light and shooting at night, action, motion blur.
Weekend Course: $645
Special - $450
This intense three day class runs the gauntlet of basic photography and uses hand on instruction and redundancy of camera handling skills. We start in full manual mode and over the course of the weekend you will be shooting in a semi-automated mode so as to never miss another exposure. After introducing a concept in class, we pick up our cameras and practice the process, while capturing lifestyle and portraits. Saturday, you will have the opportunity to practice shooting sports/ action photos.
Seasoned photographers who attend this class have said, "I was humbled by what I didn't know...."
Showing all 2 results
Now I am able to work the camera I had for years!
“I loved the down to earth feel of the class. I felt comfortable asking questions. Great teachers with lots of knowledge and they broke it down in a basic, easy to understand format.”
Jennifer Hill The
Class - Photo 101 Texas Style
The Hands on learning was amazing!
"My favorite thing about the class was the wide range of info that covered any type of photo in every environment.”
Mandy Taylor
Class - Photo 101 Texas Style
I think this was a great experience!
“I went to downtown Decatur to take photos one evening after class. I used so much of what I learned to take shots that would not have turned out so well, if it wasn't for this class.”
Wynton Thomas
Class - Photo 101 - Texas Style
I learned not to be afraid of the camera!
“I really enjoyed that we learned to take stills, as well as action photos. ”
Brenda Warren
Class - Photo 101 - Texas Style
We will be shooting a variety of subjects throughout the class.
Day 1

12:00-2pm - Classroom basics
2-4pm Shoot lifestyle/portraits
4:00-5pm -Review Images
5:00-7:00pm -Shoot low light
Day 2

9:30-11:30- -Review images - Composition/Semi Auto Setting
12:00-2pm- Portraits
2:30-5pm shoot Action
6-7:30 -Low light
Day 3

9-10 am Review images
10-12 - Intro to Editing
Location: Sanger Chamber of Commerce
300 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266
© Texas Vision Photography. All rights Reserved
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