Voices of the Front line Covid-19
April 9, 2020

During my career as a photojournalist, this would be a time that I would not have the option of staying home. My job was to document what was going on in the world and in my community. I guess old habits die hard. Sitting on my patio last week I thought, how can I pay tribute to those that do not have the option to stay home. A made a few phone calls and Faces of the Front Line – COVID 19 was born. Besides giving a face to the thousands of people who are working for those of us forced to stay home, we interviewed each person to document their perspective for a Podcast we have called “Pain and Joy“, stories from the field of photojournalism.
Each person gave us pieces of advice to keep them safe while they do their job and to protect everyone else, as well. You will hear stories from:
**All precautions were taken to keep all participants safe during the shoots. Individuals were scheduled with plenty of time in between, we kept our distance and disinfected between each shoot.**
To listen to full podcast: Voices of the Front Line – COVID 19
COVID-19, photographing faces on the front line, photography instruction