It all began with a glass of wine
November 1, 2018
…Actually it began about eight years ago when I launched my first photo class 101. I found a need and enjoyment in teaching a beginning photo class in Wise County, since, I’ve added a 102 class, editing class and a advanced lighting class. Recently on a trip to the Galapagoes, I had a thought of teaching abroad, which presented a lot of challenges that we had already overcome in my hometown. My partner and wife, Lisa, and I were talking over a glass of wine one evening when we realized Texas is a destination place. I know every square inch of Wise county through my affiliation with the Wise County Messenger for 18 years. We are a Texas Cowboy town that hosts several world champion rodeo stars and a cowboy way of doing things. So… after glass two an idea was born, a six day all inclusive rodeo/western photography workshop. Lisa, also a Professional photographerof ten years, teacher, and life partner recalls me answering the question ‘ what is your all time favorite thing to shoot,” without hesitation it was ‘ Rodeo and cowboy lifestyle’. Now after years of rodeo and the way of the cowboy, the path was clear. The new website, Texas Photography Workshopis launched, along with a new look to Joeduty.com. Check out my gallery, workshopand jusphophun blog, hope you like it!