Bob Krist Continues to Teach Me
May 12, 2020
Recently, I reached out to Bob Krist, nationally acclaimed photographer for National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Smithsonian, Islands and many other magazines. I had taken a photography class with him through Main Media 10 years ago. I felt he would be a perfect addition to our new podcast series, Pain and Joy. Pain and Joy discusses life lessons and stories from the field of photojournalism. Bob, being the teacher he is, accepted the invitation with one request, he wanted to record his side of the audio and send it to me. That told me that I may need to work on that part of my podcast. My admiration for this person and respect for his opinion, encouraged me to evaluate better audio solutions for the podcast. Being a photographer and not an audio specialist, I realized this was an area I needed to improve. So….let the research begin.
Poop in….poop out…. being closer to the microphone is an absolute must. 6 hours of research and much thought about how to improve our audio, I came up with a plan. During the interview, we recorded on 2 different devices on our end in Texas. Bob in Maine, who we interviewed via Zoom.US, recorded his end and sent me an MP3 file. Fast forward 6 hours of editing….I cut and pasted 33 minutes of audio into 1 timeline.
Thanks, Bob, for your advice and wisdom on the art of photography, both still and motion, as well as audio. Anyone in the field of photography today, needs to be diverse in their abilities and communication skills. Pain and Joy is our contribution to the discussion of photography from the past, present and future.
We hope you enjoy our latest edition of Pain and Joy, with Bob Krist.
Bob Krist, Photography, photography Blog, photography teaching, photography workshops